Sami Al Aloosi.I love all aspects of 

I'm a self-taught Full-Stack web developer who loves solving problems, learning new technologies, and languages. I enjoy coding things from scratch that improves the lives of those around me!

About Me

sami al aloosi

I'm a self-taught full-stack web developer, my interest in web development started in 2016. Ever since I was young I was fascinated with exploring new topics.

At the beginning of my web development journey I had a lot of ideas, but no direction. During that time, I started teaching myself programming by watching YouTube coding tutorial, Freecodecamp, and Udemy courses.

Fast forward to 2020, I joined Lambda school to solidify my coding skills and have a hands-on experience in working on professional projects with a big team of developer.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently :



Team Leader @ Lambda School

May - December 2020

Responsibilities and Accomplishments

  • Utilized the agile methodology to lead teams of 10 early-career engineers towards successful full product developments

  • Led 1:1 code reviews to assess students strengths and ensure the implementation of coding standards and best practices

  • Reinforced technical concepts by facilitating small group study sessions and 1:1 daily check-ins

Recent Projects  


portfolio-v2 is an open source project. I created portfolio-v2 as a solutions for an Issue that I been facing myself. portfolio-v2 goal is to provide backend and frontend developers with an easy to use tool to create their own portfolio without the need to creating a design from scratch.

App screenshot

Strength Shop 509, an online athletic shop that focuses on providing a high quality athletic wear for a reasonable price. strengthshop509 mission is to provide talented athletes from developing nations with the proper training and support to achieve their goals.

App screenshot


Remotify, is a project I have created to show case my full-stack development skills. Remotify, is a job bored application that grant developers the ability to add their skills, education, certifications, work experience and apply for jobs. Recruiters can also utilize Remotify and post new job positions that can be viewed by the developers.

App screenshot
sami al aloosi

Get In Touch

I'm currently looking for new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question, wants to collaborate on a project, or just want to say hello !

Say Hello !